Fresh spam statistics – now on the front page

October 21, 2009

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Lately we’ve been working on a new front page along with new pages describing the SpamDrain service. Our goal is to give you as a visitor a quick overview of the service and its benefits.

On the top of the page you now also find the log in form which gives you easy access to your “My pages” where you access your filtered messages and handle your account. We have also added a Sign up link visible on all pages to the right in the menu.

The front page now show you live statistics including spam proportion the last hours, total number of spam mesasges blocked and on-going virus attacks. Currently the spam proportion seem to vary between 73 % and 80 % during the day.

We have also added the some “Add this” links on the top right corner of each page, so you easily can share SpamDrain using Facebook, E-mail, Twitter etc.  We hope you to share SpamDrain with your friends and collegues as much as you can. By spreading the word about SpamDrain and helping others to use SpamDrain we can all help to lower the spam levels on the internet.

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