Virus and spam levels back to normal again
December 7, 2009As we earlier reported virus levels have been rather higher than normal lately, but this now seem to have changed. We now see that virus level is back below 1 % which is more normal. Furthermore the dominating viruses aren’t actually viruses but phishing attempts.

Virus and phising share last 6 months - 2009
Interesting to see is that the spam rate seems to have followed the virus rate. Spam rate has been around 85 % but is now back to around 80 % again. Since many of the viruses are used to create botnets sending spam this is not that suprising.

Spam rate last 6 months 2009
More statistics at our main page and the Security Centre.
2022 filtering statistics
2022 year has come to an end and now we are on full speed in 2023. Here at Spamdrain it was another hard working year and we are going to keep up the good work in 2023 as well. Here … Continue reading
The latest release of mobile apps
Great news! Both Android and iOS mobile applications are live and available in Google Play and App Store. Make sure the auto update is turned on in your device and if not it’s time to update the app! Now let’s … Continue reading