SpamDrain 2.0 beta for Android 2.0 released

March 6, 2014


Today we have published a first beta of the 2.0 version of the SpamDrain Android app. This version aims to catch up on our iOS app and add capabilities like search, management of filtered addresses and more options when releasing and reporting emails. We have also tried to design it to match the design patterns of modern Android apps. So if you can’t wait until we release the final 2.0, please join our beta test Google+ group and get your copy of the beta today.

You will now be able to report and release messages directly from the message lists.

You will now be able to report and release messages directly from the message lists.

Search capability added in both blocked and allowed lists.

Search capability added in both blocked and allowed lists.

2022 filtering statistics

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The latest release of mobile apps

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