June 2017 Stats

July 4, 2017


Hot stats of June.
We hope the weather outside your window is hot enough to lay on the beach and enjoy sunny summer days. We can say for sure that it’s hot for our spamsters. Obviously June is not the month of vacation for spammers.
The first month of summer was remarkable of its number of spam messages: almost 42.5M messages of our users were filtered. 16M messages were considered as valid and 26.4M were considered as spam. Number of spam messages does not look that promising, but at least we know those messages will not reach your Inbox.
The high number of spam messages is due to the fact that there are more and more spammers appear trying to reach you with different ways. Another reason is it’s becoming a trend to cause inconvenience to people using worldwide cyber attacks like WannaCry or Petya malware. Those two took place all over the world in May and June in accordance. No one is safe from being hacked but you can use one more strong layer before you click on the malicious link. Make sure the suspicious link stays unopened in the blocked list of your Spamdrain account. We are happy to increase the number of spam filtered messages as long as your Inbox remains clean and spam free.
Please do not hesitate to share it with your friends and let them know about spam free life
Thank you for reading!
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