Summer is coming

May 6, 2019


     We are now one month away from summer.  This is the time when spammers getting ready to go hunting. Beach stuff to buy (you’ve already bought), summer trips (places you’ve already been to) and other spam/newsletters messages you do not need are just a few examples of messages you would like to avoid in your Inbox.
     In this case, it is the right time to start using Spamdrain. Our spamsters will do our best to keep your Inbox clean and spam free. In 14 days you will be happy seeing your brand new tidy Inbox. Yep, such a short period will be enough (actually it is a free trial period for you to get acquainted) to get ready for summer. In few clicks your email address will be ready for summer (please note, no gym attendance needed!). Easy to set up, easy to use and easy to remove – though we will work hard for you to stay with us. Your Inbox guard will be with you anytime anywhere even if you are flying to some warm places in the clouds. Exactly, our spamsters work perfectly in cloud 😉
   We are user friendly and your friends are welcome too! Bonuses for them are already waiting for you:
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