Meet the new look of your favorite spam filter.
November 10, 2020Today we’re launching a new look of Spamdrain where we’ve changed colors, icons and the general look and feel. With this update we say thank you and goodbye to our beloved spamster who has served us and you the past years.
We are still working on bringing this new look everywhere so it may take a few weeks before you see a consistent look throughout all our platforms.
We will continue to make improvements to the Spamdrain experience so you can relax and enjoy a clean inbox.
Just visit Spamdrain now to see the new look!

2022 filtering statistics
2022 year has come to an end and now we are on full speed in 2023. Here at Spamdrain it was another hard working year and we are going to keep up the good work in 2023 as well. Here … Continue reading
The latest release of mobile apps
Great news! Both Android and iOS mobile applications are live and available in Google Play and App Store. Make sure the auto update is turned on in your device and if not it’s time to update the app! Now let’s … Continue reading