Adding Yahoo based email address

Last updated on December 24, 2021

Currently it is possible to add a yahoo based email address to Spamdrain using oauth2 standard where you will just need to authorise Spamdrain to access your email address with no need to enter the password. Once you enter a yahoo based email address during sign up / adding email address you will see the prompt on how to proceed. Please follow the steps in order to authorise Spamdrain. 


In case you are still experiencing issue with yahoo mail when Spamdrain can not connect to your email server, you could use the app specific password solution. In this case, please try to do the following:

- sign in to your Yahoo account ;

- go to security section ;

- click on Generate app password;

- choose other app:


- enter Spamdrain:


- generate a password:


- select Spamdrain app:


 - enter the password at Spamdrain settings if you had previously added email address or enter it during the sign up / adding email address. 

You may also need to start the filtering again since it's automatically paused when we cannot sign in for a while.