Add your Microsoft exchange 365 based account to Spamdrain filtering

Last updated on December 27, 2022

For the already added email addresses if there is an authentication error, it is required to verify that Spamdrain is allowed to connect to your email address:

  1. Please go to the settings page here: and click on the added email address in the right top corner.
  2. On the appeared window click on Automatic Setup.
  3. On the next screen click on Continue with Microsoft.
  4. You will be redirected to Microsoft page where you will need to choose 'Work or school account' option.
  5. On the next screen enter your password and click sign in to verify Spamdrain.

If you are going to sign up for Spamdrain subscription with the Microsoft based email address please refer to the following guide: 

  1. On the sign up screen here: enter the email address and click on Continue.
  2. On the next screen click on "AGREE AND CONTINUE" (if you agree with privacy policy and terms and conditions). 
  3. On the next screen click on Continue with Microsoft.
  4. You will be redirected to Microsoft page where you will need to choose 'Work or school account' option.
  5. On the next screen enter your password and click sign in to verify Spamdrain.

If you need to add a Microsoft based email address to the filtering please refer to the following guide: 

  1. Please go to the settings page here: and click on the "ADD ADDRESS" button. 
  2. On the appeared window enter the email address and click on Continue with Microsoft.
  3. You will be redirected to Microsoft page where you will need to choose 'Work or school account' option.
  4. On the next screen enter your password and click sign in to verify Spamdrain.

All the above functionality is available if using mobile app as well:

For the already added email addresses if there is an authentication error, it is required to verify that Spamdrain is allowed to connect to your email address:

  1. From the left side menu click on All addresses -> Manage addresses 
  2. On the next screen tap on the email address -> Edit -> Reconfigure
  3. On the next screen please re-enter the email address 
  4. Click on Continue with Microsoft.
  5. You will be redirected to Microsoft page where you will need to choose 'Work or school account' option.
  6. On the next screen enter your password and click sign in to verify Spamdrain.

If you need to add the address or sign up using mobile version please use the guide above once you enter the email address.


Please feel free to contact our support if there are any issues or questions. 

Microsoft, outlook, exchange, 365.