Updates and news about our favourite anti-spam service.
The latest release of mobile apps
Great news! Both Android and iOS mobile applications are live and available in Google Play and App Store. Make sure the auto update is turned on in your device and if not it’s time to update the app! Now let’s … Continue reading
Beware of Phishing E-mails from the Swedish Tax Office – (Spam) They never send e-mails
Beware of e-mails from the Swedish Tax Office A great number of Swedes has the latest days received e-mails (spam) from phishers with “click here to get your tax return immediately”. The aim of the bluffers is of course to … Continue reading
Android beta testers wanted – 2.0 is finally on the move
We know that you all been waiting a looong time for the new Android version of SpamDrain. We made a decision last year to rewrite the app again since we were not happy with our initial efforts to revamp the … Continue reading
New version of SpamDrain for iOS now available in App Store
We have now finished the job with version 1.7 of our SpamDrain app for iOS and got it approved by Apple. In this new version you will be able to update your filtering settings, add new addresses for filtering and see … Continue reading
Help your friends get rid of spam and receive free SpamDrain months
Today we have made it easier for you to share SpamDrain and for you to get something out of it. Well, you probably already know that if everyone was using a great spam filter it wouldn’t pay off sending spam and we will make internet a better place to be. Besides from helping us making the world spam free you will now also receive free months when inviting your friends and colleagues to SpamDrain. Continue reading
New filter blocks newsletters and marketing emails
For some time we have working on a new type of filter which blocks newsletters and marketing emails. We have being testing it for a while we are really happy with the progress. So today we tell you a little … Continue reading
Expert warns of insufficient virus protection
There is an interesting article on viruses and filters in a Swedish newspaper today. Experts warn us that some filters are not efficient enough. They claim that some filters only catch 30% of the harmful e-mails. The reason for this … Continue reading
Spam appearing like Twitter e-mail updates
Maybe you have seen the spam messages that looks just like a normal update from Twitter? The design and texts are identical to the Twitter original, informing you that you have 3 new messages or that someone has started to … Continue reading
Focus on scalability, stability and user experience
Lately we have been working hard on handling the recent growth we have had. As you probably have noticed we have had some stability problems and we apologize for that. The last weeks we have made some changes to our … Continue reading
Virus and spam levels back to normal again
As we earlier reported virus levels have been rather higher than normal lately, but this now seem to have changed. We now see that virus level is back below 1 % which is more normal. Furthermore the dominating viruses aren’t … Continue reading
Google accounts sending spam to contacts in address book
Have you experienced that spam messages are sent from your address? I can guarantee you that you’re not alone. This happens to all of us. The reason is that the protocol used for sending e-mail, SMTP, is a fairly simple … Continue reading
One e-mail virus for every tenth valid message
The last 5-6 weeks we have seen an increase of viruses blocked by the SpamDrain filter. The virus proportion has raised to levels around 2 – 3 %. This doesn’t sound much but compare this 0.2 -1 % for previous … Continue reading
Fresh spam statistics – now on the front page
Lately we’ve been working on a new front page along with new pages describing the SpamDrain service. Our goal is to give you as a visitor a quick overview of the service and its benefits.
DNS blacklisting can now be turned off
We have added the possibility for SpamDrain users to turn off the DNS blacklist filter which currently blocks messages sent from known spam servers. Why would you want to do that, you might wonder? (…or you just wonder What is … Continue reading
“Man måste klippa till med en gång”
IDG skriver: Alla infekterade Teliakunder måste kopplas bort från nätet eller få sina datorer rensade innan Microsoft tar bort spärren, enligt Microsofts Martin Tiveus. Läs hela nyheten hos IDG
Hotmail: Teliasonera skickar spam
IDG skriver: Telias servrar har svartlistats för utskick av skräppost. Läs hela nyheten hos IDG
F-Secure: Spaminvasion på Twitter
IDG skriver: Twitter fungerade trögt i tisdags på grund av alla skräpmeddelanden som belastade systemet, enligt F-secure. Läs hela nyheten hos IDG
Tveksamt nätfiske mot Comhemkunder
Just nu pågår en phishingattack mot Comhem-kunder. Upplägget bygger på att Comhem haft problem med sin databas och behöver nu hjälp att återskapa den. Naturligtvis är det användarna som måste rycka in och bistå med namn, användarnamn och lösenord. Mejlet … Continue reading
Spamnivåer återgår till det normala
IDG skriver: Efter att webbhotellet McColo stängde ned för ett par veckor sedan minskade den globala spamtrafiken med uppemot 70 procent. Nu har ett av de skräppostande botnäten öppnat upp igen och trafiken närmar sig åter tidigare nivåer. Läs hela … Continue reading
Teliaserver hängs ut som spamnäste
IDG skriver: Teliasoneras mailservrar har svartlistats som förmedlare av skräppost, vilket gör att kunders e-post kan stoppas i filter. Läs hela nyheten hos IDG